Week 4
- Pulled the user issued documents from DigiLocker to DLP platform.
- Parsed the documents to obtain the certificate data in XML format.
- Summarised the marks obtained by the user into a 1-pager view.
- https://github.com/abhirupr123/digital-learners-passbook/commit/26217356d8234589a88ee69d52a382a22466560d
- https://github.com/abhirupr123/digital-learners-passbook/commit/d70b5bc28013cf97cd77837ea079607949be5d06
- Received suggestions about presenting the user data in a standardized format.
- Received feedback about the types of documents to be considered while creating the document format.
- Received suggestions on the medium of sharing the Learners Passbook.
- Received suggestions on the authentication process required for accessing the Passbook.
- Project Presentation - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HKmeokOfbCYZoUNfqAqrizhD_ozjCPT8/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108280685767862564664&rtpof=true&sd=true